[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Deeper%20Than%20The%20Sands:%20Chapter%20One&name=prinp___.ttf&size=30&style_color=f7976a[/img][hr][h3][b][color=f7976a]October 5th, 1924[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][/center] George was gone, getting his things from over at the University and making sure the people that hired him knew what was going on. It was just something he had to do before catching back up with this new group he was joining on this new mission. It would take some explaining but he hoped they would understand. Yes, he was doing this for Peter but since Peter wasn't alive anymore, it shouldn't be a problem for him to take some time and go along with this group. They could use someone, if only a gun for the group. Drinks? Drinks sounded good to Vera, perhaps a bit too good. The woman wasn't exactly known for holding her liquor very well, in fact she had made a fool of herself just what? The night before? Or was it the night before that? The fact she couldn't exactly remember if it was this morning or the morning before she had woken up with a headache and a hangover probably spoke volumes against her getting a drink. That and her clumsiness. Yet, a drink sounded really really damn good. Even a cigarette sounded good right then and she didn't smoke. Oh but she knew someone that did. [color=f7976a]"Yes, a drink Lauren, sound just the thing to settle the nerves,"[/color] she said but her eyes wandered to Josephine. [color=f7976a]"Can I pinch a fag?"[/color] she asked innocently. While where she came from had long been referring to cigarettes as fags, over in the colonies, it had come in the last two decades to mean someone of homosexual tendencies. Not that that little linguistical difference crossed her mind when she asked Josephine. It didn't help that the men were running around under the Lord Majors orders and there were several clerks that looked as if their hips swished even more than a models on the cat walk. Mahendra was lead into the infirmary and the barracks doctor was there on call to see what all the fuss was about. "Good god man, did you lose a fight with pane of glass?" he asked as he motioned towards the table. Taking a long and close look before he did anything, he huffed slightly. "Some of this is deep, but the shards are solid. You will have some scarring but it will fade with time. Do you want some medication to dull the pain?" he asked. In a civilian hospital he wouldn't have even asked and just administered it but this was the Barracks of the Kings Army. Most men refused unless they were screaming too much to have time to refuse. Vera sat down in the officers club at the bar and looked around. There was no one tending bar just then. A lot going on, and it was still early in the day. They wouldn't start serving drinks proper until afternoon tea. Glancing over at Lauren, Vera was shaking and pulling at her fingers. [color=f7976a]"I won't tell if you won't,"[/color] she said looking behind the bar. The woman had mentioned she worked as a bar tender a bit ago hadn't she? Well maybe not today, perhaps it was yesterday. Or was it while she was looking over Vera while she was intoxicated? Oh she couldn't remember but she was sure she was a bar tender. If she was the actress and Josephine was the bar tender, she was really messed up.