The distance that she implied she needed, as she placed one foot behind another in a succession of steps, was respected. While he had consciously made a decision to exploit the commoner’s evident discomfort brought about by his actions, Rhiane screaming in the hallway was the last thing that Luke wanted. Such an incident happening with the press in close proximity would certainly mar his reputation. Over the years, his name had become synonymous to player, but he was not one who would force himself upon any woman. Besides, there was no need to do so until Rhiane Black. Therefore, when she found her back pressed against the wall, Luke stopped his advance. He was merely trying to keep the distance between the two of them within the allowable range. “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance,” he recited an article from the Declaration of Human Rights, which was revived after relations between surviving nations were re-established. “Forget conscience and religion. Everyone has the right to change his belief. Though it might not be the case this morning, I now admit to the belief that I want more than business and work. Just like you are, I too am entitled to change my mind.” She was being difficult, but he would not be employing the same tactic had she been more receptive of his flirtatious games. That she blushed and practically ran away from him was the reaction he wanted out of her. It showed that his future bride, no matter how impervious to his charms she thought she was, was nevertheless affected. Unlike him, who had years of practice, it would not be easy for her to truly separate personal from professional. Especially not when he started toying with her emotions for real. Luke knew he ought to stop. A part of him believed that there were other ways to make her life miserable. Yet another part of him supposed that the mere discomfort and embarrassment she could have felt at that moment was not enough to cover for the damages that her careless declaration made. The prince would not admit that he was venting his frustrations borne of the very brief argument with his lover, even as Rhiane brought up Sofia. He was a painfully honest man, but growing up with vipers had taught the heir a lesson or two about deception. Before he could respond though, the farmer sprinted towards the transport. Or at least she tried. Luke was taller, had longer strides, and was faster than her. He cut her and blocked her path with his body, then grabbed her wrist to stop her from running away. “I have never been more insulted in my entire life,” the crown prince admitted, and it was surprisingly true. “First you accused me of lying – the pink on your cheeks is truly lovely – then you had to reiterate that this is a business arrangement, and finally you would rather that I woo another woman. You are the one I will be marrying, are you not? Shouldn’t you – we – at least give us a chance?” She may again argue that the engagement was not what either of them would have wanted, or that he would not choose her if he was given a choice. It was both true. Painfully true. But the prince was ready to deny both that night to make her heart flutter, to give her hope, only break her come morning. Without waiting for a response, he let go of her wrist and boarded the transport. The short ride was quiet and so was the walk to his suite. His communication band was on silent, but it did light up several times signifying notifications, which he barely read. None of it was from the person he would rather be spending the night with anyway.