Name:Volucris Fenton Appareance:[img][/img] Age:17 1/2 Strengths:Can fly, good with ranged weapons. (I.e. gun, blowgun, bow, ect.) Is fairly stealthy. Eagle eyes. Can speak to and understand birds. Is fairly strong. Can speak to birds. Weaknesses:Brittle bones, fear of strangers, can only eat raw meat. He takes [i]fight or flight[/i] rather literally. He loves shiny objects to a terrifying extent. Animal:Gold eagle Bio:He was a thief. A jewelry thief, to be exact. He was becoming infamous in the black market for his ability to get rare items, until he was caught that is. He was supposed to be sent to prison for five years for his many thefts, but when offered the option to have scientists splice his dna with an animal, he agreed to that instead. His love of shiny objects has increased well beyond safe limits. If it's shiny enough, he'll try to steal it. The rings off your hand, necklaces off your neck, earrings, coins, keys, anything that glitters. He still isn't quite used to having wings however. Or being half bird.