[color=ed1c24]“Prepare your methods and do not worry about involving me in your research.I will make myself available to your inquiries after we have confirmed we have a few moments of respite. I trust the pair of you will exceed in this task. As tedious as it is, I will not have one of ours sacrificed to carelessness. And once we’ve established the existing rules, we can continue onto the [i]fun[/i],”[/color] the word was accompanied by giggles, cackling, and howling laughter, [color=ed1c24]“part of this particular activity. Now go. I will return with what I discover to add to your data.”[/color] Volaris dismissed the pair. Once they understood how the world around them functioned, they could expand their field of research and keep the pair occupied with more gruesome inquires. The rings shimmered and he felt the now familiar tug as the Cathedral changed around him. He floated alone in his personal quarters. He never did bother decorating much. Some musty and cobweb covered trunks, a few ripped books,and blood stains but nothing extravagant. Just the basics. It was refreshing to return to a quieter spot after wandering the Cathedral's extravagant halls. Volaris absently floated towards a hat rack that had seen better days. A single hat, dust and cobweb free, hung. Volaris picked it up and took of his glowing head piece, placing it gently on the rack. He took a moment to himself, contemplating his plans. If it wasn’t his imagination, his considerations for the future were rather disturbing. Or maybe that made it even more disturbing. Perhaps he should get a therapist when he woke up. The specter reappeared in the Scrying Chamber and fit the hat on his head. It felt like a sheen of plastic wrapped tightly around him, over and over and over until his original shape could no longer be seen. He tested his fingers and his arms, turned his head and stretched. He moved forward and back, left and right. He was unable to move vertically however. The same as usual. He glanced in the still water and raised at eyebrow at the man staring back at him. Not his usual disguise but unassuming, plain, and very nonthreatening. He shrugged, satisfied. [hider=Hat of Disguise Appearance][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/5853/fd5da2552f5062f9325818274669217b64624187_hq.jpg[/img][/hider] “Create lesser magic item.” He held out his right hand and a magic circle descended. A simple wooden cane appeared in its wake and he hunched over as he leaned on it. He brought the image of the two soldiers scurrying into the forest. Still on track. Once Elizabeth and Megu returned, they would approach the pair.