Okay, so it was brought to my attention that some people have trouble understanding what a Lostbelt scenario is. For a Lostbelt, you're essentially twisting a character almost till you can't recognize them as who they were before. Read my hider below, for more info. [hider=LOSTBELTS] A lostbelt scenario is "The world has come to ruin" Scenario. It is where something has happened on such a catastrophic level that things are no longer following the rules. Swords a hero might have wielded no longer exist. It's extreme history alteration that ends in the devestation of the world where no new legends are being made. [u][b]Examples:[/b][/u] Ozymandias is a Rider Class servant who has the protection of the Sun God, Ra. He is a great leader, who knew Moses. He summons mini Sphinxes to fight for him, and he rides a badass vehicle. Lostbelt Ozymandias is far different. Instead of Ra, it was Set, the god of chaos [sub]and foreigners[/sub] who became Ozy's chief diety. Under the eyes of Set, Ozymandias changed. His body slowly being taken over by the divine being. His divinity raises to A, instead of B. His class is changed to Archer, and he no longer is associated with the light of the sun. In his world, without Ra, Apep devoured the sun. Leading to a barren world, ruled by the eternal pharaoh Ozymandias, the puppet of Set. His soul long replaced by the chaos god. Egypt has become less a great kingdom, and now the kingdom of slums. As an Archer he would spread chaos through his bow and arrows, applying a mental corruption to any he hits. No longer does he gain the protection of Ra, but the protection of Set. In fact, he may as well just be called Set at this point. Or, Lostbelt Gilgamesh. He became the immortal king, and his treasures were never spread across the world. Instead, Gilgamesh horded them, and no new legends were formed. Instead, the world degraded under the gaze of the world's only hero. The world degraded, and the king Gilgamesh became the villain. His gates of Babylon holding all of humanities souls, rather than their treasures. [/hider] [b]So to finish this off, be creative with Lostbelts. Like if this happened, or something was avoided, what changed about them and their world that would lead it to stagnation and inevitable decay. A stop to legends.[/b]