Thanks to all so much for your kindness and criticism! [hider=PlatinumSkink] [quote=@PlatinumSkink] [h1]CONGRATULATIONS TO [color=yellow]@SILVER[/color], WINNER OF RPGC #19 WITH HIS ENTRY, [color=yellow]BATTEN VALLEY[/color][/h1] [/quote] My goodness, I think that's a bit more pomp than I merit, but thank you all the same! [/hider] [hider=Exit] [quote=@Exit] No but seriously [@Silver], nice job. Loved your entry. I better see you around for the next go at this. [/quote] Thanks so much! If I could vote for your story again, I would. In a heartbeat. Looking forward to our next challenge! [/hider] [hider=BrokenPromise] You know, writing in second person is so difficult, and [color=ed1c24]I CANNOT BELIEVE I SLIPPED BACK INTO FIRST.[/color] Lol. Thanks for catching that. [/hider]