[@vancexentan] [color=fff200][i][b]VERDREHTE[/b][/i][/color] Verd was getting a little pissed off, Mostly because most of the thugs were knocked or ran away. Looking behind for a moment wondering if the other villains were giving him some support, "Fuckin cowards" He thought thinking he was going to kick the asses of the ones that ran away. Picking up a sub machine gun form one of the fallen thugs, Starting to fire at the three of them making sure to put more pressure one the boy shielding them. Having fell on his ass form the earth shaking letting out a grunt of pain, "Damn it to hell" He cursed and quickly standing back up continuing his assault. He was fast and hoped that his speed would be to his advantage to try and get to them before he was knocked back. However he did not want to tired himself out and lose the opportunity to grab one of them. Hopefully he could tired out the nerdy boy so he could either injury or get close enough to the three of them.