[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#0099ff]Jenna Westbrook[/color][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d887a8a1d29a848966e328ec5d6e8c8f/tumblr_n256cncp0N1tneebho1_250.gif[/img][hr][color=0099ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Outside the Library[/center][hr][hr] Jenna hesitated for a moment. She didn't really want to accept a ride from them. She didn't trust them and she wanted to work alone - Lydia was an exception, as they were blood. Or at least, legally they were. Robert was Lydia's plus one or her pet - it wasn't really clear what the dynamic there was, anyways. But at the same time, they [i]did[/i] need a method of transportation and Riley's life could depend on their speed. [color=0099ff]"Sure, as long as you're a fast driver,"[/color] Jenna stipulated. She didn't want this to take forever. As for the mine itself...Well, she doubted they'd be willing to go inside. Yet it made perfect sense as a location - somewhere where werewolves and part time cats couldn't go. It then had a deterrent to ordinary humans who would find it to be unsafe and want to avoid going there, fearing a collapse. But the mine didn't scare her. Jenna prided herself on her fearlessness. And she felt confident that by the time the week was over, she would have left Red Lake for good. She didn't think Finley or anyone would miss her either.