[@Brazen Bull] Enthusiasm! WE HAVE STRUCK GOLD MEN! Hehe, I can answer all of those. I already answered some of those on the Discord actually, we are eagerly waiting for you there! 1) It's above your average wasteland things. After all, this is more than 200 years since the "apocalypse". It is also combined with some modern, and even futuristic tech (You'll find out why in the RP). You can expect electricity in most palces. 2) Yes, Earth. Precise location I will not tell for lore and simplicity reasons, but that hardly matters. Just know that it's really hot outside, so probably not one for nordic genes. 3) Use your imagination! And tell me first of course, but if you come up with a good idea I will certainly approve. On one instance someone palyed a salt digger, who rappels down the side of canyons that were once underwater to dig for salt. That idea is what single handedly inspried me to put the salt industry into the next iterations of the RP. Go wild! 4) Whatever your heart desires. Look for extra wild things! Just, not edgy. Braveman Heartripper might be a good barbarian in DnD, but not my first pick for this RP. 5) Bit of both, though I will most likely keep it light for various reasons.