[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CIatjqM.png[/img][/center] [hr][right][color=gray][b]Sapporo, Japan[/b] Ishin Academy [b]Interacting with: Chen[@floodtalon][/b][/color][hr][/right] "Ah, uh. . .nice to meet you as well, Adachi-san. My name is Camilla Yumi." Camilla did her best to keep a polite smile even as her ears quickly showed her discomfort with the situation, noticeably lowering after having been called an 'exotic beauty'by her fellow classmate. While she was sure that they had meant it as some form of compliment, all it really did was make the foreign student feel as if he was only being polite to her because of how she looked. She'd often heard about the fetishization of foreigners in Japan, and couldn't help but wonder if this Chen was simply being overly complimentary or trying to put the moves on her because she was so 'exotic'. Whatever the case, she decided it would probably best to move on. She had her dorms to get to and she'd have the rest of the school year to get to know this guy if they were in the same class. . . for better or for worse. "No need to worry about it, I should have been paying better attention myself, really. Just those. . . uh. . . first day jitters, you know? Anyway, I'm really sorry for bothering and will be on my way so, um, bye now." Camilla mentally chided herself as her words quickly rushed into each other while she made her way past the short boi, giving a small wave before turning around a walking away at a somewhat quick pace. She felt bad for essentially running away, but she wasn't really here to deal with that kind of stuff right now. She had enough jitters from the thought of rooming with someone else that wasn't related to her, so a guy who thought hitting on the nervous foreign girl was the best way to make a first impression. . . ye, best to just not deal with that for now. One thing to stress over at a time. This didn't stop the lines of red microbes making from spreading across her arms, forming random patterns over and over in response to her internal distress.