"If you would excuse me. You all are disturbing the peace of this comercial district so, I politely ask you to stop. Otherise, countermeasures will be taken." The bandits heard a voice address them and turned in slight annoyance. "Who are you to be getting in the way of what we do?" One of them replied, as the others gave each other quick glances trying to gauge if this very tall, white haired man, was a threat. They weren't sure. Usually when confronting a group like them alone, the lone guy would be nervous or near cowering. But this guy.... He was confident, standing there as if he could make a move to attack whenever he was given provocation. The bandits waited for the guy's reply except for one of their number. The shortest and most hot tempered, a brute named "Terrs". He lost his temper at the drop of a hat and this was no exception. Already red faced by the guy's interruption, he drew his sword with two feet of steel and rushed the white haired man. "You dumb snow haired fool, thin you kin'-" But at that point the rest of the bandits ran after him and grabbed him by the arms holding him back from striking. The first bandit admonished him, "Does he look scared to ya?" Shaking his head at his fool friend he continued, "He could probably tear us all apart, just look at his eyes, something scary has been in there, like he's seen things..." the bandit shivered. That first bandit who spoke to the white haired man spoke once again, "We'll leave if its all the same to you?" ------------------ Jerad heard the crying sound get louder and louder. It grated on him that awful sounds of sorrow, and reminded him of the few funerals he'd been to. He had made a habit to stop attending funerals just because he couldn't stand to be in such a large group grieving with the atmosphere that they created in a room. It always seemed to be a pit of depression. "So, you little bitch. Are you still gonna say 'no' to me? Your little friend is dead, and guess what? No one will ever know, I'll find a way to cover that up. So tell me now: Will you come with me, or would you rather join her fate?" Jerad's eyes crossed as he heard what the man's voice said. [i]What?? no... abduction? and murder... no I don't believe it...[/i] Then he arrived and what he saw shook him to his core. His right hand was shaking with involuntary shivers as he noticed a man with fanciful clothes grin wickedly at a bound girl no more then fourteen if he was guessing right. [i]She's covered in blood... what???[/i] 'no, no, no....' he whispered to himself as he shook his head hoping it was fake. A scene that he was hallucinating? Right... Jerad pinched himself several times to make sure he was really there, really witnessing... "Child tor-ture?" he asked the man with a voice that cracked into a higher pitch midway conveying his own sudden sorrow. He approached the man step by step getting more angry the closer he got to this disturbing man. As he got face to face with him Jerad noticed a dead girl by his right leg... That did it... "You did kill her didn't you? A kid... A grown man like you?! You better get out of here!" Jerad raged at him as he drew his longsword and tensed his body ready to strike, depending on the bald devil's response. [@Salvia]