Eliezer said nothing about Raven's decision not to eat, but wondered if it was because she felt uncomfortable. Recalling how he felt when he was with her at the village the day before, he figured that just as he was not used to the atmosphere then, being at the palace alone with him was something unfamiliar to her. It was likely that she felt more at home in a simpler environment, surrounded by other people and the sounds of their activities. What she said next only confirmed how much she desired not to be alone, and also seemed to be an attempt to explain to him why. "I would not judge you for such a fear, my lady. Although I may not fully understand it, I am still grateful that you think enough of me to share it with me." In fact, he appreciated the mere fact that she would step out of her comfort zone just so she could speak with him. He had promised to repay her on the night she had saved his life, but she owed him nothing, and had inconvenienced herself to fulfill his request. It had come to the point where love seemed to be the answer to everything she did. The very concept was still puzzling to him, but that conversation could be continued at another time, for it was clear that she wanted to talk about something else when she switched the subject to musical instruments. "The flute, I see. Would you consider playing one again?" Eliezer could think of a couple of possible reasons why she had stopped the pursuit, one of them being that it might remind her too much of her mother. "That is something to ponder over, is it not? For now, however, I believe you must be eager to return to your companions back home and attend to your own duties. I apologize for keeping you away from them this afternoon." He took her back down to the entrance to the palace, where a carriage was waiting to take her back to the village. "As with the day before, I have had a lovely time with you, my lady. You have given me so much more to think about today, and I'm glad that I have gotten to know you better. You are most welcome to write to the palace at any time." Remembering how she had kissed him goodbye the night before, he brushed her fringe aside before leaning in and lightly kissing her forehead. He then helped her up into the carriage and turned back into the palace as it left. [hr] One of the hallways leading to Eliezer's personal room was the grand hallway of Dainia's history. One would practically travel through time as they made their way down the corridor lined with dates and writings telling of the kingdom's milestones, enriched by the glass casings displaying relics associated with each event. It had come to a time when Eliezer would simply walk through this hallway without giving these features a single thought, but on this day, his attention was caught by a display at the very end - a royal emblem of Lunar, along with a description of the Dainia-Lunar Dispute that had taken place less than two decades ago. His mind flashed back to the pocket watch that Raven had shown him, and he only then recalled where else he had seen a similar aesthetic. [i]“This was my father's, it was passed down on his side of the family for years and before my parents were taken from me permanently he passed it on to me. A simple woodcutter could never own this so it was my first clue that my father was not always a commoner.” [/i] The pocket watch bore such iconic features that there was no denying that it was of Lunar. Overwhelmed by the realization, he stood in stunned silence, staring at the display for a good while. It could not be true, could it? Was Raven really... an enemy of the kingdom? Eliezer was suddenly jolted back to a state of awareness by a firm hand on his shoulder. He spun around to face his twin brother, who appeared to have a mixed expression of confusion and concern. "Your behavior worries me, Eliezer. Tell me, what plagues your mind this time?" Still getting over the shock, the crown prince stuttered out a reply. "I- I have reason to believe that Lady Omrea is of Lunar, and of no less than noble descent." Mathazar's eyes widened. "Surely you jest?" "I wish it were the case, Mathazar, but she bears an heirloom of a noble family of Lunar." The younger leaned in closer to his brother and lowered his voice, speaking in a cautious tone. "You cannot allow a noble of an enemy state to be by you on the throne of Dainia, Eliezer." The elder let out a sigh. "I am well aware, though, it also seems... wrong, to reject what I have with her now." Mathazar chuckled in amusement. "Why brother, was that your heart speaking? At least I am now assured that you actually have one." At Mathazar's words, Eliezer was caught off guard by another realization. He knew that he had a duty to do what was best for Dainia, but was cutting ties with Raven truly the correct decision? All his life, what was right or wrong had been clear for him, but now, there was no way to tell, for he did not know enough. This time, he was not going to simply act on what he had been given. He was going to dig deeper, and whether or not this was motivated by his feelings for Raven did not matter. It was something he wanted to do. "I merely wish to make an informed decision, Mathazar," he responded after some time. The younger only nodded. "I cannot advise you on what to do this time, brother, but know that you will always have my support."