Hey everyone! I am a stranger to this vast land known as 'the forums' so any help will be awesome! But anyway! You guys can call me Gorey and I have been Rping for a whole wopping six years! Two of those years I rped in the WOW universe, with four characters I believe. Then, after some real life situations I shut off my account and moved to discord where I've been rping. My largest post was 8 thousand words but that's not what I post every post of course haha. I enjoy most types of rp and will rp with about anyone but I will only bring my post down to a certain point so one-liners, beware :3. I like to write, draw (even though I suck) and honestly research for my own growth of knowledge! I hope you guys enjoy my presence and I hope I can learn along my roleplaying adventure with you guys!