Got my CS up. Hopefully it's alright. I went for something a little on the stranger side which I hope might make for some unique scenarios. [Hider=Cynthia/Anima.]True Name: Cynthia Saline. True age: 21. True gender: Female. True appearance: She stands at roughly five feet four inches tall and weighs one hundred and thirty three pounds. She has perfectly straight jet black hair in a sideswept bob cut and a light olive toned skin. Her body frame is faintly ectomorphic, not very angular despite being fairly flat. Amidst her variety of casualwear she can be seen wearing a white button up shirt and dark shaded jeans. Lastly she has deep dark brown eyes which look pitch black in less than optimal lighting. True personality: She is something of a thinker, one who dwells deeply upon matters and always takes time to consider things instead of rushing to any conclusions. She likes to take matters at her own pace, even if that pace can sometimes be a fair bit slower than everyone elses. Given her predilection towards thought she is a fairly insular individual who largely keeps to herself. Anything that would even remotely resemble friends for her all exist online as she dwells a fair bit on the net in her free time between her studies. She can be fairly fastidious, always maintaining a fairly tidy environment around herself when she can. She is a creature of routine, given to adhering to the same motions for any given task. It helps her save more time to think about matters of higher learning, leaving mundane matters off her mind amidst her daily rituals. As such she can be somewhat slower to adapt in circumstances of sudden change or in instances where quick thinking is needed. Her fields of fascination lie in matters many would find strange. Insects, bacteria and most other things other people would find repulsive are things she holds a certain interest in, even if she would never in her life go near them. It is something of a morbid fascination with matters that while interesting are things that she would find hard to even approach let alone interact with. Reason for having attended the game: With her last gm having recently died in a fatal car crash the campaign he was hosting dissolved and she was left without a group. With this unfortunate change she decided to take her mother's advice and pick a more social medium of roleplaying. Answering the online ad she was thrust into these unfortunate circumstances before long. _ Character´s name: Anima. Character´s age: 2. Character´s gender: Asexual. Character´s appearance: [hider=Anima's Appearance.][img][/img][/hider] This roughly one hundred pound blob of living goo appears to maintain the rough approximation of a humanoid form. It chooses to appear like a human but it's clear that it is a matter of preference since it can resume it's regular form whenever it wishes. It's body is a translucent green color not dissimilar to lime jello in color, texture and yield. No matter it's form it always has a set of eyes though these eyes are not separate organs themselves but are instead light sensitive spots on it's body. The eyes appear to work similarly to human eyes in that they can look around and also possess expressive eyelids but it is all mimicry. Surprisingly it can talk and is able to speak quite well however it's voice can be likened to something akin to the combined sounds of a mouse's squeak and two balloons rubbing against each other. It's voice is, needless to say, very high pitched and rubbery sounding. Character´s background and lore: [Hider=Anima's Past.]Slimes, very few know exactly what they are let alone where they came from. Scholars hypothesize that they might be one of the lowest forms of life, a type of magically enlarged amoeba. Few believe that they might of been the very first iteration of life in the multiverse, the model off which every other life form is derived from. Regardless of what beliefs of slimes might arise, they are an infrequent but very numerous genus. Their most notable feature is the sheer variety of adaptions the slimes have developed, adopting abilities to fit almost any environment. Due to the rate at which they divide they tend to have high populations no matter where they live. As for Anima, well, she is a slime as well. She was always a little different from any other slime. A simple green slime that lived in the woods, absorbing organic material for energy, not even a thought to her existence but she had a secret. She was capable of understanding that when she hid in colors that were similar to her own, predators would pass her by without notice. It was perhaps the closest to sentience most slimes ever possessed. Then came the great wizard Albert Morpheous. He was a wizard, a practitioner of magic like many others but he was quite different from the rest. After graduating from apprentice-hood and becoming a full magus he soon discovered a slime upon one of his outdoor strolls. Such a strange creature, so many questions not yet answered about this enigmatic blob. Of course, the blob in question wasn't Anima, but it was the first of many to be taken into Morpheous's tower. Inside his laboratory he studied slimes, researching every single aspect of slimes. For forty long years he subjected the gelatinous creatures to every test conceivable. Many tests yielded negative results but quite a few produced some interesting results. He created slimes which were previously unheard of, subjecting ordinary slimes to various energies and forces until they adapted to it. The capabilities of the slimes were so numerous it was mind boggling. All of these tests however never yielded a slime with anything resembling intelligence. He performed so many tests, using so many different techniques but nothing resembling enhanced mental activity came of it. His latest attempt however was what would bring the Anima we all know into this world. The magus Morpheus placed Anima within one his his patented energy conduction tubes, a large tube of specialized liquids connected to conduits forged with a magically conductive metal known as Arcanium. Attached in the center of this setup was an open nodule. After placing Anima in captivity within the tank he inserted an "Idea Shard" into the nodule, an extremely rare shard of thoughts made material. Over the span of months Anima was left to absorb these energies until eventually she developed more and more thoughts of her own, evolving into one of the very first thinking slimes. Much time passed and after growing curious of the world beyond she escaped her tube only to find the wizard was nowhere to be found. The downstairs levels were a complete mess, totally overrun with slimes with books and alchemical equipment strewn about all over. Not wanting to get absorbed by a slime with a poor disposition she fled the tower and made her way out into the woods. Such is where this strange tale begins.[/hider] Character´s abilities: - Splitting: A classic ability of slimes. When enough damage of certain varieties is dealt to her she will split into two smaller versions of herself, each one inheriting half of her remaining Life. Each version of herself can split once they receive up to half of their new maximum Life total. Once a version of herself possesses a Life total that is lower than a certain minimum percentage of her original maximum Life total she can no longer split upon receiving over half of her Life in damage. In addition to inheriting half of her maximum Life total upon splitting both halves will also inherit half of all her knowledge as her mind is split evenly between the two slimes. They both will be able to function independently of one another but their memories will be scattered evenly between them. Lastly they can at any point recombine to form a single being, pooling both their memories and total Life pools together for combined effectiveness. - Growth: Like any living creature she naturally grows by eating nutrient rich food. Unlike most living creatures there is no cap on how large she may grow. The larger she grows however the greater her food requirements become, providing an environmental limiter to her growth as well as an incentive to consider pragmatism in her given situation. - Acid Damage: Physical contact with her slime residue causes acidic damage. This damage grows more potent in proportion to her overall mass. _ - Drawbacks: A severe travel speed reduction as a result of having no legs and also the problems that come with being boneless. _ The DM was terrible at his job and let everyone toss their own ideas into this mess. What poorly thought out ideas did you contribute?: She contributed the metal Arcanium, Idea Shards and most notably the race of slimes, those creatures almost every adventurer fights at one point or another in their career. Slimes, as described above, come in a plethora of varieties as they adapt to suit their environments so the possibilities as to what types of slimes exist are almost endless.[/hider]