For all Indy had been through, with his cushy prep boy classes and lack of strong discipline from his parents, he'd never truly been confronted or yelled at. Especially not by a stranger. Indy froze. [quote=@iKatamalicious] [color=mediumseagreen]"[b][i]Gross?[/i][/b] Did I hear you call my Scatterbug [b][i]gross?[/i][/b]"[/color] She repeated the words, louder than she realized, taking a step closer into the male's personal space. [/quote] [color=8882be]"Ummm..."[/color] Indy sought for words. [quote=@iKatamalicious] [color=mediumseagreen]"What's so [b][i]gross[/i][/b] about Poinsettia? Huh?"[/color] Margo defensively pulled up the little bug, Poinsettia scrambling up into her usual perch on Margo's shoulder and shivering--the bug was traumatized from the sudden change in her trainer and the disdain radiating from the boy. [color=mediumseagreen]"[b][i]Gross[/i][/b] pokemon have feelings too, did you know that?"[/color] Margo continued her grilling, glaring at Indy as she pointed a finger into his chest. [/quote] As Dan jumped to his defense, Indigo appreciated the gesture. He should have apologized, truly, as he was in the wrong. And there Dan was, sticking up for him and trying to help him out, as he always did. But being a sixteen year old kid also meant Indy took the wrong way about doing things plenty of times. He looked at Margo and Dan, shrugging. [color=8882be]"You guys both misheard me... I didn't say gross. I said, uh, [i]close.[/i]"[/color] He scratched the back of his head innocently. [color=8882be]"Sorry, I shouldn't have freaked out,"[/color] he added for good measure. [color=8882be][i]But then again, you shouldn't have either,[/i][/color] he thought as he read Margo's furious expression. [color=8882be][i]It's called having an opinion. Ever heard of it?[/i][/color]