Indy was feeling ashamed about the whole scenario, but his guilt was exactly what made him run away from confronting his behavior, let alone anybody else. And as he always did, he sought to avoid the situation. Ignoring it meant it wasn't there and it would go away [i]eventually[/i], right? He gave a tight lipped smile at Margo. [color=8882be]"Maybe... But I mean, an opinion's an opinion, right? Luckily it was just a misunderstanding on your part."[/color] He rose from his stool. [color=8882be]"Well, look at that, our pokemon are about done getting their check up,"[/color] he said. [color=8882be]"Let's grab 'em and go train, right?"[/color] This was their cue to go. And Indigo wanted to go. He was feeling much more anxious than he let on. But they'd be away from the overzealous trainer soon...