[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [sub].:Heart of the People:.[/sub] [/center] The Hall of Judgment, a grand center piece that if everything went well most in Beacon would never see, even though everyone knew of it, one could gather a fair bit of understanding from the various different HQ’s by how they themed their Hall. Due to his silent appraisal of the hall Aurelio lost his chance to make it to the defenders platform alongside Alicia, but that was fine. He didn’t know enough about everyone here to be of much help up there anyway. Down in the crowd, surrounded by people while transformed he held vast potential to help, It would all depend on how he went about it. The opening statements hit hard, not because of what was being said but due to all the emotions floating around the room, it felt like he was in a tumble dryer filled with bricks. [color=fff79a]‘No matter‘[/color] he thought to himself [color=fff79a]‘Still gives me plenty to work with.’[/color] Silently he moved toward the pit in the center of the room and stood near the edge with his cane placed in front of him in plain view of the Beckoners and Jury. He wasn’t planning on hiding his actions from them, because he wasn’t planning on anything that would, in his opinion, violate the ruling. Taking a deep breath he started to draw on the ambient feelings around him. Never taking more then what was considered spare; he started to spin the emotions in to different ones. [color=00a651]Determination[/color] and [color=f26522]Confidence[/color], he wove and sent towards Alicia. She wasn’t as alone in this as she felt. [color=662d91]Understanding[/color] and [color=6ecff6]Peace[/color], he wove and sent towards Janet, even the best have cracks in their armor and she wasn’t going to be abandoned for being controlled. Towards the Jury he sent [color=fff200]Calm[/color] and [color=a2d39c]Focus[/color], the truth was their goal, not revenge, he would make sure they stayed on track to find it and for the crowd around him. He wove [color=bc8dbf]Patience[/color], they would still comment, still whisper about what was happening but they would wait to act, he would dull the [color=ed1c24]Tension[/color] they felt so that no one would do something rash. For those who sat as witnesses he did not weave anything. For that would be seen as trying to influence their testimony. Thus he left their raw emotions speak for themselves. Plus he was multitasking enough as it was, trying for anymore would cause everything to break down. He cane was glowing with the colors of the rainbow as he wove his magic throughout the room. Hoping that it would be enough to allow sounds minds to prevail. He also didn’t bother sending any of his magic at the Beckoners present; he knew well enough that it wouldn’t actually do anything other then get him in trouble if he tried.