Yzeira saw it coming long before Jenso fired his attack. Blup accounted for this, of course. He would have had to focus his efforts either way, and dropping his defense of Alexis would have resulted in an even higher chance of victory for the group of heroic fighters. So he waited for the attack to launch. But instead of stopping his counter assaults, he stood his ground and focused on keeping himself and Alexis safe. [color=00aeef]"Research note-"[/color] Alexis stopped in place and rose both hands above her head. A spiral of smokey energy whirled up from the ground immediately surrounding her and flew up towards the dragon's head, slowing it significantly on impact like a supporting pillar slowing the fall of debris. [color=00aeef]"-Meta energy is neither infinite, nor all powerful. It is merely an agreement with the void born under unique circumstances. The ability to harness void energy by changing it into another form of energy entirely. Direct control over the void would grant a truly infinite supply of energy that could overcome [i]anything.[/i] Harnessing the void would be absolutely impossible under normal circumstances. However..."[/color] A surge of darkness overtook the giant dragon that crashed down towards the battlefield until it turned from blue to purple. As Alexis spoke, Jeff and Bruce refused to let up on their assaults, but were still stopped at every junction. [color=00aeef]"If something is born under unique circumstances, if something is allowed to exist made entirely of void, how would that impede on the calculations? [b]Positively.[/b]"[/color] The roaring attack born of flames and meta energy collapsed in on itself and disappeared with an echoing puff of smoke. Alexis knelt down to compose herself briefly afterwards and chuckled. [color=00aeef]"Results on the body may vary."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Excellent theory."[/color] Yzeira's eyes flashed as he knelt low and swept one hand upwards. A giant spike of energy erupted from the ground at Zios' feet and penetrated his chest with a resounding crash, sending tendrils of crimson energy through his body. [color=ed1c24]"I expected [b]Shaidra[/b] to be an astounding leap in my research once her consciousness equalized. Something none of my other test subjects provided, not even [i]Rajaka.[/i] I see it as a divine bonus that you returned so vividly, un-intoxicated by the void that overtook you."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Strong memories."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Like Nexus, but-"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Less naive."[/color] The battlefield went silent for a moment. [color=00aeef]"And, well, [i]still alive.[/i]"[/color]