[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180603/be53d9364c99330d19f98edc0d023570.png[/img] [color=gray][color=#008080][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] Emil [@vietmyke], Rylan [@Vertigo][/color][/center] [color=gray]The morning sun had long since hidden behind the horizon. Tristan wondered if they would leave before the sun graced the little city, but he realized that they would have to. Dawn meant the changing of the guard, and if the guard noticed them leaving, then they'll be lucky if they don't get flayed for trying to escape. And that is why Tristan woke up early, smelling like hay and bird shit. He opened his satchel, careful to inspect the contents. A sweet roll for today's breakfast, a waterskin, an assortment of fruit and other pastries, along with various types of cured slabs of meat that were bunched with the rest of his food. It should last enough time until they reached the other city. Groggily, he lifted himself from the hay. The bird had kept him warm during the night. Along with the thief. He didn't check to see if Rylan was awake. Knowing the man, he was, but he really didn't want to deal with him this early in the morning, Tristan was tired and sore. Hay sure wasn't a good substitute for a soft bed... oh well. He'd have to get used to it. Who knew, maybe hay would be the best case scenario somewhere down the line. Tristan walked toward Emil's home and peered through the window. Luckily, with enough strength, it nudged open and allowed him to slip inside without much noise. [color=#008080][b]"Emil,"[/b][/color] he whispered harshly. He wasn't sure if his farmhand would be happy if Emil left the aviary. Especially if they weren't sure when they'd come back. [i]Would[/i] they even come back? The thought frightened him. [color=#008080][b]"Emil!"[/b][/color] he called again, stepping deeper into the abode.[/color]