[color=gray][center] [/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YCrbtgP.png[/img] [color=cd5c5c][sup]______________________________________[/sup][/color] [center] [sub]Savayna [color=cd5c5c][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] 20 [color=silver][b]|[/b][/color] ♀ [color=silver][b]|[/b][/color] Half-human with unknown other half [color=cd5c5c][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] Lancer/Dragoon [color=silver][b]|[/b][/color] Besaid Island [color=silver][b]|[/b][/color] Lances and Spears [color=cd5c5c][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] Sardonic [color=silver][b]|[/b][/color] Witty [color=silver][b]|[/b][/color] Observant [color=silver][b]|[/b][/color] Emotionally-Guarded [color=cd5c5c][sup]___________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [/sub][/center] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=cd5c5c]Appearance Details[/color][/b][/sub] [color=silver][indent]Ever since she was a little girl, Savayna has often been complimented for her scarlet-colored hair and her emerald-colored eyes (not to be confused with the shade of green Al Bhed eyes are). Coupling that with her flawless complexion, Savayna grew from a very beautiful, if not somewhat spunky and attitude-fueled little girl, to a young woman with that attitude and fire with hair deeper than a mage's firaga and eyes greener than the fields of the Calm Lands. And paired with that came the body of a young woman with admirable curves, though she is relatively thin. She boasts a modest body with a lean tone all over. The downside to her thin stature and lean build is the lack of a height on her. Of everyone in her age group, Savayna is probably the shortest with her being closer to five feet than midway to it, though she does make up for it with her athleticism. Savayna has a particular lean to wearing light armor comprised of either double-covered leather or light chainmail. It has a multi-seasonal resistance and, to her, it pairs well with her [i]Hunting Lance[/i]. Since lighter armor means Savayna can move around more, she prefers it. The armor she's known for wearing specifically is carved from a mixture of white and blue leather dipped and coated in a special oil that gives it a glass-like shine. She also wears a half-helm that adds to her overall visage. [/indent][/color] [sub][b][color=cd5c5c]Background[/color][/b][/sub] [color=silver][indent]Most of Savayna's life is unknown to her. She remembers a land full of blue-like creatures, but the rest seems to be blocked out for some reason. She was found outside of Besaid Village when she was just ten years old with a set of armor and supplies to craft it, a hunting spear with a note that read: [indent][i]Please take care of her. She needs the help that we cannot provide.[/i][/indent] The origins of whoever wrote that note, even to this day, remains a mystery to Savayna and at some point, she will set off on a journey of her own to find who wrote this note and find where she came from. No matter where it will lead her, she has made this vow to herself since she became aware of it five years ago. Since that day, she's been training, honing her magic and combat skills by taking lessons with Wesley's black magic teacher as well as joining the village's hunters on various trips and hunts so she will be well-equipped with the means to do whatever it took to find out where she came from. [/indent][/color] [sub][b][color=cd5c5c]Fighting Style[/color][/b][/sub] [indent][color=silver]Savayna is likely one of the most versatile fighters of her age. Highly regarded as a prodigy, her fighting style is a brilliant combination of a unique form of dark ice magic that, when cast, creates various forms of a red ice element that is likely reflective of her spunky soul and her lean-to ice magic (she failed out on all the other classes of elemental magic). She combines the two in a nearly-flawless impressive display of a paladin-like skill of being able to combine physical abilities with magic, unlike anything Spira has seen. Whether its soloing with ice magic or thrusting/piercing/slashing with her spear/lance displays an uncanny ability to unleash quick, fast bouts of strength with little error, though, on the downside, Sav doesn't really do well against fire foes or those with extra-heavy-duty armor/skin. Her spear doesn't pierce through them and for the fire-types, her ice magic dissolves from the high temperatures. When Savayna pushes her body to the absolute limits, she enters a state of borderline berserker's rage that is often called [color=cd5c5c][b]Vermillion Winter[/b][/color]. It is a highly volatile and explosive overdrive that maximizes every aspect of Savayna's capabilities from her magic to the physical aspects of her entire being. In this state, Savayna holds up her spear as her red ice floats around it, turning the entire tip into a razor-sharp, crimson-colored blade of ice that, when she jumps up and stabs the ground, it sends a wave of ice magic through the ground, freezing it instantly and sending a quickly-moving wave of ice three yards around her in ever direction, freezing everything in its path. It lasts for a total of ten seconds before breaking apart. Should it be powerful enough, it could cause permanent fractures int he ground and cause semi-permanent frostbite to living organisms. Others will simply be damaged severely. [/color][/indent] [sub][b][color=cd5c5c]Misc[/color][/b][/sub] [indent][color=silver]Savayna takes her training just as seriously as she does her daily snarking of her friends. When she isn't practicing her daily training routines, she's giving people who may not even be her friend a hard time, though they know she only means it half the time. The rest is to just get a reaction out of them.[/color] [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][/color][hr]