[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MZ1eXXr.png[/img][/center] [hr] The door slid open, revealing Kelan's room. It was somehow a mix of messy and empty at the same time. The furniture comprised of one bed, just big enough for him, a large two-door locker, and then multiple workbenches lining the walls. There was nothing much in the way of clutter, but the room had a metallic, greasy smell. The ventilation system in the room sounded like it was working overtime. When Stella would have stepped into the room, she would have noticed something suddenly touch her shoulder. It was Kelan's disembodied right arm, atop one of the workbenches, one of its fingers poking at her curiously. Or was it caressing her affectionately like a dog happily greeting someone new? It was hard to say. Meanwhile, Kelan stood at one of the workbenches, setting down the tool he'd been using before turning to Stella. "Whoops, sorry 'bout that. Come on, pal, leave the girl alone," he said. The arm slowly pulled away, as if ashamed or embarrassed. "He says hi..." Kelan rolled his eyes. Despite the containment unit crawling about on its own, Kelan still had two arms. He now had a right arm that much resembled his left. "Catch," he paused for just a moment after giving the warning before tossing a small, metal sphere at her. It had one clear panel, and the rest of it was solid, riveted and welded metal. It had a reinforced band running along its circumference, which also held two buttons, one bigger than the other. "All right, here's your present. We'll call it our lil' equalizer. This is what you'll be deliverin' to that hull breach. Now I'm gonna run you through how this is gonna go from best to worst case scenario, all right?" He leaned against his work bench before beginning. This might take a bit. "So, I dunno how much you been told so far, but we got two teams. Decoy and infiltration. You're obviously on the latter. Now it's up to the cap'n, but I reckon we'll be sending Reisus with you to keep you safe til' you reach your destination. So best case scenario, you make it there all quiet like and get into the hull breach with no one firin' a shot, not even the decoy team. Realistic scenario is you scope it out and tell the decoy team when t' start shootin'. Either way, hopefully you an' whoever's with you make it inside and deliver the package," he told her. "However, if it's real bad, you might have t' sneak on board alone to avoid bein' seen. And then we get t' the real ugly possibilities. If they have some way t' detect you when invisible, like maybe thermal scanners on them tanks, you might have t' deliver the package early. Don't worry too much about that. You need to, you go right ahead and chuck that sum' bitch at a tank and just stand clear. Right, probably shoulda said that sooner. Wherever you end up droppin' that thing, you stand nice and clear from it, ya hear?" He stared her down to make sure she understood that part. He didn't want her blood... or whatever... on his hands. "Last thing ya need to know is how to work it. It's pretty simple. Big button turns it on, small button magnetizes it so it'll stick to anything metal. Don't worry, magnet's only on one side and it's on a delay, so you shouldn't have to worry about it stickin' to ya," he smirked and held up his own, mechanical hands. "I know t' think 'bout those kinda things. So hit the button and toss it, or wait a second an' stick it somewhere all precise like. Ideally, right in that breach. Any questions?" If all went well, Stella and her escort would get on board without anyone knowing they were there. Once she delivered the device, then all havoc would break loose, but by then everyone would have had time to scope things out and get into position. Otherwise, the decoy team would do their job and hopefully make an opening for her.