[@Duoya][@Ithradine][@Leaves][@Tybalt Capulet][@TaroAndSelia][@Haruhi43][@Jangel13][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Lauder][@Conscripts] Well... took longer than I had hoped but great round of posting everyone. Thanks for all staying with me in this RP... it's been a year already and wow... Just a few points regarding thingies... - New patch note (kinda big?) - A lot of you guys can do much more during your rotation. Especially those of you with 10+ agility, I feel like I should be seeing a few more moves in there somewhere. I mean Xenos got to fire his flintlock TWICE and I let him so. - [s]Xenos and Steven[/s] please indicate WHICH boar you are targeting. Like Boar 3 for instance. [hr] And I'll make this announcement in Discord too but... in case you need a reminder... [color=lightblue][h3]TO CELEBRATE THE FIRST BIRTHDAY OF THIS RP AND ALL THE WONDERFUL PLAYERS YALL BEEN, GM'S GONNA FUND An ART COMMISSION WITH ALL OF YOU GUYS IN IT.[/h3][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SXLr1sE.jpg[/img][/center] ... which is why I've asked you to all PM me your charac's descriptions. Which not all of you have. =_=; If you have them (even if you've sent them to me), just post them here. Just do it guys, it's gonna be for all of us. Nice memory to take with you even if you end up quitting the RP. Truly amazing how we managed to keep an online RP alive for a whole year (... even if we are still on Floor 1 =_=), I'm sure we all would appreciate this so.