Ariel wore a wide smile. "There is nothing wrong with those kinds of memories, Meesei. I would not assume anything of one I have never met but I doubt your current mate would be free of her own such thoughts." She grinned. "Even if she is an Altmer." Sabine was more insistent, even if she did not meet Meesei's eyes as she continued. "If you change your mind, you should go find her. You should not wait. Not with...everything happening as it is." Apart from a nod or two, there were no other responses. Everyone could sense Meesei's desire to change the subject. "I believe, Sabine, you were trying to say something before," Karl said. "Mm," Sabine breathed in. "Ariel, do you have hair dye I could use? And an eye colour tincture? Maybe also something that can make me look less pale. And could you cut my hair for me?" Ariel lowered her cup. She struggled to answer, taken off guard. "Uhm...well...most of those, of course. Making them would be a triviality. And I can certainly cut your hair. Do you feel something is wrong with your appearance?" Ariel tilted her head. "You look beautiful the way you are, you do not need to change so drastically." "No, it is not that," Sabine responded casually. "I need to look like a stranger. I am going to visit the Thorn clan soon. And some other clans later on. I, um, need to find people to join my pack." Ariel glanced to Meesei and back. "You're looking for new members? But you have remained at your size for years now." "Not for Meesei's pack." Sabine tilted her head forward. "For [i]my[/i] pack. I formed a new pack." "Oh." Ariel blinked a few times. "I am still somewhat confused."