Neil felt as if he had died, but after a moment, when the fog had lifted from his jarred mind, he realized death couldn't be this uncomfortable. His mind was too shaken, and his body was even worse. He found himself face down in the rubble, and what luck remained with him kept him from being crushed. Instead he felt nauseous and utterly weak. It was fortunate he had been a bit further away than Saxon or Sayeeda, but not by much. Shakily, and pausing at least four times, he slowly pushed himself up. Meanwhile, the Hexanagallion gazed at Sayeeda with a fury. He was far weaker now than he had been, and a hunk of metal had been rammed into his side. But he was strong enough to shove Junebug off. The Captain hit the ground rolling, which only caused her to curl up and vomit. Unsteadily, the Xenos got to one knee, and then did his best to rise. "Captain!" Neil called, his voice croaking at the effort. He crawled over to her, having gathered one of their lost pistols on the ground. He helped her sit up slowly. It was very likely Saxon sought to crush them both then and there, his incredibly durable biology letting him remain standing even after that. But shots rang out around them, missing them but ricocheting off the walls dangerously close to them. Neil pointed his gun at Saxon. Normally it would do little to him, but the Xenos hesitated a second time. His armor and physiology had been torn up in various places. "Ah, ah, ah..." The Hex growled, a guttural clicking sound that echoed off the enclosed rubble they found themselves in. "Where's your ship?" Neil asked him. "Why would I help you?" Saxon demanded. "I should kill you." "At the moment, we need each other in case you didn't realize." Neil winked at Junebug. The Captain having grabbed the other pistol she had strapped to her leg. Both of their guns were now on Saxon. To his credit, the Hex didn't seem scared. It only fueled what pride he had. "I've been escaped worse and lived." The proclamation fell on them like an anvil dropping, and an incredibly loud silence followed as the muted shouts in the distance grew somewhat closer. "So that's it then?" Neil said. "You want us to kill each other instead of escaping alive?...You've waited to kill me for four years. What's another few hours?" The Xeno's muscled went taut, and for a tension filled second, Neil truly believed the Hex was going to pounce. But he suddenly deflated somewhat. "My ship is in another quarter. We'll need to go to yours." The words were torn out of him by the strongest amount of restraint and will he could muster. "Cap- krkrrrrrkrrkrrkrr nebug! Captain Junebug? Hello?" further static. "krrkr doors locked down, but krrkrkr help!" As Taya's voice rang out over the comm, both Neil and Sayeeda to grimace at the sudden noise in their ears. [@Penny]