[@Hokum] He ignored Palin's comment about his technological inferiority once again, he was already getting used to it anyway. He immediately sent a command to Niner, telling him to lower the shields, then raise them up immediately after he gets teleported. Once the shields are lowered he finds himself teleported into what appears to be a laboratory with a woman standing in front of him. He actually found her attractive, although he obviously kept his thoughts to himself and maintained his composure. However, he actually froze as she stated her full name. Meta remembered seeing Dino's identify documents, and recalled him having two daughters, she must be one of them. He actually felt some semblance of guilt, having her help him in killing her own father, nevertheless he will not hesitate when the time comes. After she has finished talking, he replies: [b]Meta:[/b] May I ask for you to turn off any direct visual surveillance systems before you adapt the transect? After waiting for her reply, he also adds to her next comment. [b]Meta:[/b] I'm a bounty hunter, that's all you need to know. --- Meanwhile, the ASP does not respond to Rufus at all, merely hovering in the air after retracting his arm.