Mastema looked at the ship and all of the spare parts scattered around the prairie. Most Of it being ammunition of which made him shake his head. He was heavily against violence but he would fight if need be. But large ships with that much ammunition is not needed in his mind. LIttle knowingly, objects just coming into the atmosphere would be hurtling towards him. He would slowly fall to the ground to check out the area before he actually felt the heat off of one object and in an instant a bolt of ice would force it to avoid him,. The ice- colder than molten steel is hot, was one of the strongest things he could do. He looked around and looked up as well. He sighed and formed two large pillars would form above him and start spinning, causing wind to hit the objects and slow them or redirect them as they fell downward towards the ship. “Now let’s see what’s here…” He said, tapping his foot to have a clone, made out of ice, be created and walk forward into the ship’s crash sight with caution.