[center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/e76e/f/2018/260/b/c/dbgd4sff4x4m_fullhh_by_saltyalien-dcn2y73.jpg[/img] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/2387/f/2018/261/2/5/coollogo_com_19239534_by_saltyalien-dcn5ah5.png[/img] [i]"And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above"[/i][/center] [hr][hr] She happened to be around the area. No biggie. Sonya had been gone from her usual spot for about a week. She didn't like staying still too long, and keeping in the move gave her something to do. It was better than being a sitting duck, anyway. Everyone knew what that would get you. Making her way through the barren trees in the forest, Sonya let out a yawn of a sleepless night. It had been a while since she had paid Natalie a visit. And to be frank, it had been exactly as long since Sonya had had any kind of human interaction - aside from the rotting meatbags that everyone called zombies. It was a fitting name, really. Who knew that pop-culture would actually became reality one day? In her traveller attire, which was thoroughly worn but reliable, Sonya didn't stop until she saw the familiar outskirts of the infamous Toxo headquarters in the horizon. It was hot, and a drop of sweat made its way down Sonya's brow, tickling. She remembered the first time she had been around, she had almost blown Nat's face with a Molotov. Glad she hadn't done that, since the woman had proven to be very useful among other things. It wasn't like Sonya had gotten attached to the big eyed brunette or anything. Small branches crickling under her military boots, Sonya made her way towards the danger zone. She kind of got a thrill of of getting on people's nerves. She hadn't been discovered so far, which she took for granted, being the escape artist she was. Besides there were lots of benefits to camping close to a group's headquarters. It meant mediocre protection from zombies, more resources for food, and all the good stuff without any of the cultish commitment, or whatever. Groups weren't Sonya's thing anyway. Not anymore. Reaching the property line, Sonya kneeled down on their usual messaging spot along the fence. There was that old shoe there, worn and by all means not very suspicious at all. Slipping a note inside the boot, Sonya shimmied it on the other side of the fence, where it was left partially hidden by the long grass. [i]'Meet-up at the usual place. Dunno when I'll leave.'[/i] After that Sonya stood up and walked out without being seen. Even if she had been seen, she would have a handy bomb or two in her sleeve to create some distraction. Or damage. But it was highly unlikely since close to no one seemed to be awake yet. It really hadn't been the easiest week. Sonya had been scavenging around, going pretty far, even, looking for something viable for her to spend her time on. There had been groups of the infected, which Sonya had mostly managed to avoid, but then there was that one time on last Wednesday when things had gotten dirty. She didn't really enjoy ending the zombie's lives, if you could even call them alive. It was some speck of humanity inside of Sonya that still saw people with lives, hopes and dreams when she looked at them in the eye and shot them. That's why bombs were nicer. It was a beautiful booming sound, a lot of light and fire, and you didn't have to really look at what you were killing. That plus the damage splashed unlike with a mere machete or some shit. Meeting the rocky hills, Toxo's area still within viewing distance, Sonya plopped down and took out an opened bag of chips. Might as well eat, she thought. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day, after all.