[b][h1][center]Plot Point[/center][/h1][/b] Interactions with [@eclecticwitch], [@Fetzen], [@13Org], [@HokumPocus], [@elevation], [@SonofJet] [hr] Sightless Syella cocked her head to the side, not really looking at anyone in particular. A lopsided smirk forming on her face. She could see with the Insight that the giant had loaded and aimed his crossbow at her. [color=a187be]"Oh? Come now, my dear giant, you don't want to fight with me. Is that you're the healer then? No... no, of course not. The healer had female voice... But perhaps... perhaps you are the Pact maker who owned of the Familiar which threw dog waste at me? If so..."[/color] The smirk vanished from Sightless Syella's face and was immediately replaced with a flash of rage. She raised her right hand above her left shoulder, her fingers extending half an inch. The fingertips ending in razor sharp points. [color=a187be]"-Then I believe I owe you a severed spine!"[/color] Syella growled through gritted teeth. [hr]