The princess pretty much spelt out that she wasn't going to try to help Trevor too much, and he understood that, even if it meant he'd faceplant a few more times while trying to learn to walk on his own. After getting up, he responded with [color=9e0039]"I suppose that's fair enough, you're not my mom, and thank goodness for that... and I suppose it would be asking too much if I asked if you could lead me out of this forest, as well, wouldn't it?"[/color] without even waiting for a response, he tried moving his front legs in a way that they could potentially feel for a horn or a pair of wings... the results were that he had a horn... but no wings. [color=9e0039][i]I guess at least I can still kind of hold things if I figure that out? Ugh... I hate when THAT'S the thing I have to be excited for...[/i][/color] Trevor thought as he kept trying his best to walk on all fours, still slipping up, and still walking in a dumb-looking way for a while before finally walking SOMEWHAT normally, and leaving the clearing they were in, with a few final words. [color=9e0039]"You know... I'm still probably going to give you some flak for this later, but remember this... I'm glad that you stopped me, and I'm glad that you let me live,"[/color] Trevor then headed to where he THOUGHT north was, only to end up at a familiar-looking ship and castle, except, this time, the dark misty creature was harassing a horse with bat wings... Trevor... decided against trying to help the bat, this time, since he learned his lesson from last time, however, there was now a ship he could try to explore, so... he headed towards there, only to find the only supposed entrance closed. [color=9e0039][i]I don't suppose I could just knock, huh? I mean, these ARE aliens, for all I know knocking could be a foreign concept to them, and they'd think I'm attacking their ship.[/i][/color] Trevor thought as he sort of waited... and then he remembered the clearing, and how he understood what the horse was talking about, back there... did she learn English, or had he learned their language? He tried to figure out who learned what for a bit until he remembered the dream, and how Luna supposedly 'left a link' in his mind... perhaps that means he can only communicate with her... or... maybe she left it there to help him communicate in general, at least, until he, himself, learns their language... which seemed inevitable, considering how things were going, unfortunately. Thus... with nothing much else to do, at this point, Trevor simply sat, waited, and thought about what had just happened.