[@Ariamis][@t2wave][@Majoras End] [hr] Summer looked around at the other jury members, reading their phones as she finished her drawing. As soon as her pencil left the page, images and the three girls' voices ran through her mind. Images of each girl going about their day on the date of the attack, their voices as their thoughts at the time of each scene played... With a bit of focus, the sights and sounds shifted toward Janet specifically, showing her with a somewhat blurry figure of what Summer could only assume was Justine as Janet was being brainwashed. Scenes of her fighting other blurry figures in what appeared to be quite the epic battle. Finally, she'd seen enough and banished the scenes from her mind, fully convinced of Janet's guilt of the exact charges, and of her innocence of responsibility for those actions. [hr] Shion ducked down to pick up her phone before she and her clone turned towards the newly visible girl and the familiar, respectively. Neither spoke as they watched their targets through their phones' cameras. The Shion left on the roof watched her attacker be attacked in turn and stifled a small laugh.