[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/AHrgw2z.png[/img] [b][i]Bn. Murchraed Whaeghliy of Cl. Sirjin; of Her Grace's Aeroflight Society, Requests Funding from the Glass Bank & Issues a General Call for Investment; Tymhoris 13, 1910 (Fri 14 Jan, 1910)[/i][/b][/centre] [indent]Sir -- It is my pleasure to make known to you that, following the Eighty Second Bi-Annual General Congregation of Her Grace's Aeroflight Society, it is our greatest satisfaction to make known publically and universally our desire to see such research & innovation done as would consequently result in the elevation and advancement of this pivotal field of scientific progression. Whereas there has heretofore existed such climate in the territories of the [i]RĂ­ghacd[/i] whereof I speak as was most certainly conducive to the civilian enjoyment of this developing area and procurement of such devices and items as could facilitate that enjoyment, it is our firmest conviction that the fields are ripe for sowing and the conditions are in all ways auspicious if only there were the commensurate regard for this opportune state of affairs by such parties as have the means and tools by which to begin the sowing. Sir -- if it were your pleasure to apply of your influence and power whatever is required to secure for us such means, and the interest of those who possess such means, as would permit us the luxury of exploring and elevating this field at a greater level, then I and all those who are so priviliged as to associate themselves with Her Grace's Aeroflight Society should be forever grateful to you. Let it be known that, with a clear recognition of the nature of the establishment of which you are a governing member, we are under no illusion whatsoever that the means of which you should give us cause to avail ourselves will be reciprocated in full on the understanding that there shall be for your distinguished establishment a share of all such enlightenment and satiation of scientific curioisity as should be effected by our venture.[/indent] Her Grace's Aeroflight Society avails itself of this opportunity [centre]to renew to the Faenarian Bank of Glass the assurances of its highest consideration,[/centre] [right]and so, [i]sir[/i], I beg to remain Yours Aye an Iver,[/right] [right][b]MURCHRAED WHAEGHLIY of CL. SIRJIN[/b] [i]of[/i] Her Grace's Aeroflight Society[/right]