The Game of Hearts It's a classic tale, really, one of princesses and princes. Kingdoms, struggles, power plays, and marriage. Set in the modern world, there are ten children, five beautiful princesses and five dashing princes. These children were born heirs and heiresses to their own small kingdom and for the first ten years of their lives they lived together in a location virtually unknown to the rest of the world. As their parents' first born children, however, there was an incredible amount of responsibility placed on their shoulders from the moment they were born. The kings and queens had decided, even before their children were born, that they would be arranged to marry each other. It was beneficial for everyone, after all. Their fates were, in many ways, intertwined. In time, the ten of them parted ways, each to walk their own path in life for the next decade. However, now the time has come. Many of the kings and queens are beginning to consider stepping down. To further cement their alliances with each other, it simply seems to be the time to put their plan in motion. The princes and princesses are to be married by the end of summer. They have four months to get reacquainted and, you guessed it, get hitched. Except, there's one small issue, their parents are expecting a bunch of twenty somethings to go through with this incredibly antiquated ritual... with no complaints? With no repercussions? Yeah, that's probably not going to fly. Royalty or not, these kids have grown up and have lives, responsibilities -- they might even already be in committed relationships. [u] [/u] Not All Monsters Do Monstrous things Welcome to Death Falls, a Canadian town surrounded by mountains and lakes with quite the history behind it. With a population of about 30,000 people, Death Falls, at first glance, seems to be a small but nonetheless painfully average town. Upon closer inspection, however, the town's many wonders become evident. The town earns quite a bit of tourism due to the large, famous river that runs into an even larger waterfall along the treeline of the woods - and along with this people come for the history that death falls holds behind it. Centuries ago a battle took place in these woods that ended in the loss of hundreds upon hundreds of lives. The corpses of the deceased had been washed away in the infamous waterfall, making it a literal fall of death. The name Death Falls stems from the town's waterfall, as well as the history that some citizens of the town hold quite a bit of pride in. However, Death Falls is not all it seems at first glance. While it seems to be nothing more than a small town with an alarmingly high crime rate, Death Falls is one of many "supernatural hotspots" in North America, due to the nemeton located among ancient ruins up in the nearby mountains. For hundreds of years Death Falls has been home to this invisible population of supernaturals that most in the town have yet to become aware of, due to the fact that these supernaturals usually masquerade as normal people. It goes without saying that the supernatural presence in Death Falls and the neemton located there had something to do with the infamous battle that took place hundreds of years ago. Centuries ago the public was well aware of the presence of supernatural beings, and hunters of the supernatural weren't nearly as uncommon as they are today. Thousands of innocent lives, both supernaturals and human, were lost throughout Death Falls' history due to the misinformation and prejudices against supernaturals, and to make matters worse it had seemed as though the supernatural population in Death Falls was unable to band together in the time that such a thing was needed the most. The infamous battle Death Falls is known for was the result of an all out war between werewolves, werecoyotes, humans, and plenty of other species. This aspect of the town's history was lost in time, however, and the supernatural population of Death Falls has pushed aside their prejudices and have since learned to live alongside each other in secrecy from those who may wish to harm them. Modern days have seen the coming and going of many different supernatural species in Death Falls, many of which were previously unheard of or thought to be extinct. Most humans in the area still remain unaware of the growing supernatural presence in their town, though there are still those who attempt to keep the supernatural population under control through hunting down those who have committed atrocities - as well as other, more dangerous hunters who wish to rid the world of supernaturals entirely, regardless of the hunter's code that most swear to heed. And with more and more lives being lost in Death Falls as a direct result of supernaturals, more and more of these hunters are beginning to swarm the town. [u] [/u] Witches and Hunters back in 1692, a series of people were burned at stake, drowned, and stoned because they were thought to be witches. these were the famous salem witch trials and they caused quite the uproar and hysteria. magical folk fled their hometowns in fear of being discovered like their friends had and abandoned the lives they had led till that point. they started over, created something, and most importantly, some turned their homes into safe havens for the younger generations to properly train. this was how Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies and Sir Magnus Barron's School for Gifted Boys came to be. for nearly two centuries now, the schools and their staff have acted as caretakers and teachers to the young children lucky enough to safely arrive. they are taught their history and how to master their powers as well as discover powers they didn't know they had. the schools became their homes until they graduated and moved onto greater things. some, however, do choose to stay. who could blame them really. the world is dangerous for a witch. reveal yourself to the wrong person and your life could end rather abruptly. it seems that everything has become just a little bit more dangerous in these modern times. it's as if witches across the world have been thrown back into 1692. after a day out and away from Sir Magnus, the boys of the coven came back to find their coven completely destroyed on the inside. furniture was turned over and doors were ripped right off of their hinges. somebody, or more likely, some people came looking for them and when they hadn't found a single witch in sight, they took it out on the staff that had remained at home that day. the dead bodies were seemed to have been thrown around just like the furniture. the witch council was ready to give them a new home when word was received of a murder at Miss Robichaux's. the supreme had been smothered in her sleep, leaving the girls without a leader and without the proper knowledge to perform the seven wonders themselves. they were vulnerable and in need of some desperate help. as it seemed, the death of their supreme wasn't caused by a witch hunter or else all of the girls would have been killed as she was and the scene would have been far bloodier. this changed the original decision of the council. the boys needed a new home and the girls needed help. it worked out well for the council. the boys were sent to Miss Robichaux's. the council was hopeful that with the supreme from Sir Magnus' being rather young, it would be easier for him to help guide the girls to finding their new supreme. however, what that very supreme has kept so well as a secret is that he lacks in power. he can't manage more than one of his powers at a time without becoming feint. His weakness does not help with a traitor living in the house the girls don't know about yet. A traitor among the butlers who already has the most threatening name on his list of kills. let's not forget the rise of witch hunters again. they already found one coven. who's not to say they won't stumbleupon Miss Robichaux's? who's not to say they haven't already? [u] [/u] Betrayal Polemos Academy. A prestigious school full of the world's richest kids that have nothing but time on their hands, a pure bred of the aristocracy. However, despite the academy's renown name, it's actually full of delinquents. These kids are brilliant but devious and dark. The world's future generation turns out to be troublemakers who get into serious trouble. The school is viewed as prim and proper on the outside, but it's running wild with chaos from the secret operations the students conduct. The school is split up into five distinct groups. The Student Council are the delinquents that identify themselves as good. They ensure the student's safety and act orderly, but they're secretly just as corrupt as the other groups. There are three gangs that reside on campus. The gangs are no joke. Their networks stretch all across the world due to the leader's power and connections. Firstly, there's The Jackals. They're a gang that stresses loyalty, trust, and confrontation. They're the most powerful and largest gang on campus. Then, there's The Vipers. The gang that has the widest underground network on campus. They stress using the art of deception to get what they want. Using others is their way of doing things. Lastly, there's The Ravens. They're the opportunists. They often stay out of the way until they see an opportunity to do some real damage. They are the most resourceful due to the leader's large market influence. Then, of course, there's The Loners. This group doesn't belong to the Student Council or to a gang. Instead, they often remain neutral and make business off of the different groups. However, being that this school has clear groups, the loners usually stick together and fall under one influential figure, The Peace Maker. Nonetheless, in no way do the loners have any sort of alliance. They can pick who to side with. The tensions have risen between the groups recently. They're looking for blood and this school year, they're bound to get some. Which role will you play? Which alliances will you make? Who will become your enemy? How will you handle the situations thrown at you? Take a chance. I mean, even if you're just a lackey, even kings have to fall. [u] [/u]