Lysander was met half-way by a sword; a big long one. "Speak quick, stranger," the Mathian man growled. "You approach the palace of Jadis, and she is not receiving visitors." "I doubt this is a visitor, Carlisle." The man of the hour himself approached, and appeared to have been well rewarded for his treachery. Guard Captain Dumas was a man of strong build, and unfortunate face, with a nose a size too big for his face, and eyes like two stabbing daggers. Dressed in icey-black armor, and carrying one of Jadis's own weapons, he eyed the visitor curiously, before smirking. "Bet they set you on a missave for peace," he chuckled. "Methinks Jadis wouldn't listen, even if we wanted to." ~~~~~~~ The sad Miasma broke, and Celine was brought rather pleasantly back to the present.. She turned and smiled at the prince, absently pushing a handkerchief to her face. "The knights," she said, crossing her arms. "I would sneak into the courtyard, and refuse to leave unless they taught me what they knew. It was against my mother's wishes, so I have to thank them for their courage." The princess turned, and caught the sad look that quickly passed over his eyes. It occurred to her that, perhaps, she wasn't the one who needed a distraction. She stood, hand on the sword hilt. "Course, my skill barely measures to the rumors I hear of yours," she added. "Perhaps I'm rested enough to warrant a demonstration? That is-" her eyes playfully glimmered. "If his majesty isn't afraid of dueling a [i]woman[/i]."