Just wondering what everyone's experiences are with this topic, or even if it's ever come up. For clarification, I'm not talking about the archetype who constantly tries to find a peaceful resolution to everything. Including the time those assassins broke into their room in an attempt to murder everyone. Though I suppose we could include them in this discussion. I'm talking more about characters who are not tailor made for combat. Support characters that have other ways of interacting with the story. Maybe they're a mechanic who's involved with finding ways of improving the combat suits, Or a potion seller who got sucked into an adventure. I can't say I've come across such characters very often, But they usually benefit the RP in a big way. Obviously they more come into their own out of combat, but it can sometimes be interesting to watch them overcome their fear or try to fit themselves in a fight that makes sense. I'll have to share some stories when I have more time to write. But I was wondering how RPG feels about it.