7600 posts and roughly 1200 days later, I'd like to give a shout out to all of RPG for helping shape me into the person and writer that I am today. I make no promises to keep this short, but here are some honorable mentions: As always, [@SouffleGirl123]. My ride or die, best friend, spirit twin, confidant and [I]so[/I] much more. I honestly don't know where I would be without you. I appreciate those times that you stayed up to the earliest/latest hours of the mornings with me. I hate that Uni is taking up most of your time, but I know that you're going to be an awesome nurse. <3 [@Altered Tundra] - One of my first connections on the Guild, and my adopted Uncle, he's a pretty cool bean. His puns are... well, they're Tundy puns, guys. His graphics are amazing, and I swear he has a heart of Gold. I'll go ahead and say it: I am a fan. [s]If you use this to black mail me, I will fly to the west coast and snap your neck. <3[/s] [@Chasebloodcrest] - [s]I'm mainly mentioning you here just to annoy you. Plus, as my chicken nugget, you should get used to these things.[/s] An amazing writer and pretty cool person. I'm glad that I've had the chance to talk to you. [@Dread] - Not sure why you like me, but I'm glad that you do. If anyone can find me a brighter ray of sunshine, I'll be shocked. [@Dirty Pretty Lies] - I've said it once, I'll say it twice. Hell, I'll shout it from the rooftops. [i]You. Are. A. Goddess.[/i] I looked up to you for the longest time, and I'm so glad that I'm actually getting to know you now. A gorgeous person both inside and out, as well as a amazing GM. Plus you join in on my pervy jokes most of the time. You have no idea how much that means to me. Keep shining, darling. [@Lady Amalthea] - I've often asked myself how on earth this woman stands me. It's really no big secret that I admire her, or her work. Best guides, RP's, GM-ing skills and characters around. I'll eventually get the guts to join one of your groups one day. xD [@jakeb1993] - My favorite cinnamon roll of all time. Definitely my favorite GM to work with. [s]I'm sorry I turned your Rp into a ship fest.[/s] [@POOHEAD189] - My other adopted Uncle here on RPG. I appreciate the work he does as a mod, though I really wish he'd stop judging my sleeping habits. I'd give you a cookie any day. [@Ruby] - While Poo is my Uncle, I must say that Ruby is my all time favorite Mod. Easy to talk to, absolute great personality, and she even joins us in a few spam threads from time to time. [@SammyPanda] - Cute, cute, cute, [I]cute![/I] Thank you for my Pandas. You're such a fantastic person. <3 Discord mentions go out to: [@Blind Bandit], [@Blaze Gamma], [@Uncle Spanky], [@MadamQuack] and [@Tyler Night].