Although Rukeewwei had stayed with the clan for a time while Ariel had worked to help them, he still lacked the context to truly understand the gravity of General Do'rhajul's defection. Still, Sabine's demeanor told the story that [i]something[/i] about the whole situation had been far from pleasant for her. Unfortunately, it was not as if he would have any advice to help her, even if he were to understand everything that had transpired. "Well, I do hope you are able to find what...or who you are looking for. You told us that packs are like your families, so I can't really imagine what it would be like to try to [i]choose[/i] your family. Though...I guess it could be better than the normal way. You'll get to pick who you like, instead of getting stuck with whoever you're born with." Rukeewei's eyes briefly widened as he went through his own words in his head, then glanced aside to Ariel and cleared his throat. "Not...that you were born with a bad family, of course. I just mean that, um, some people are, and it's sort of random if you get a good one or not."