[hider= Mineral Gramps] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/a/a2/Clay.png/revision/latest?cb=20140504150300[/img] Name: Clay Dimadome Title(s): The Prospector Gender: Male Age: 70 Alignment: True Neutral Rank: Objective for the Grail: "Listen here sonny, I've been around these lands as long as I can remember, even before magecraft in murica was a thing. as long as I'm profiteering from this fancy mage war for this thingamajig, these youngbloods can do whatever they like as long as I said so and doesn't cause any damage property." Command Seal: [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQK0yYuOm1DFyTVDeYz83iVV17tjmv6z4Ww6U-0bWKbbt0dKQHfoQ]Grampa's tats[/url] Personality: Trading, managing, and negotiations. these are the day to day basis of the charismatic hard selling notorious businessman known as Old man Clay. A hedonistic old man who has seen it all. Good, evil, in between? In the eyes of the prospector, none of this matter. The prospector tends to lean on the neutral side and always considering "What's best for business" and "What will benefit me" Bio: Clay is an alchemist who is into metallurgy and a self-made billionaire who has traveled into multiple parts of the world from time to time and has been successful in creating and establishing his own billion-dollar company along the way. Before he was this big hot shot industrialist who doesn't give a damn about those small indie companies he mercilessly stepped upon on along the way and a money-driven Old Man who crushes the hopes and dreams of aspiring people on daily basis, just to get on the top of this cruel and cutthroat business environment. Would you believe Clay has a lineage of magecraft that comes from Montana for many generations? right even before it was formatted by the modern world. His roots are founded during the time when the pure-blooded natives of this land still roam around the snowy plains, who practice shamanism and believes in native spirits, folklore tales and all that jazz about those urban legends that are made to scare the children at night. Sadly, his family's art is a dying breed in the region of the snowy plains, Clay has little information about his heritage and has stray from the mystery of his past as well with his aptitude in seeking innovation. Clay continues to delve from his roots from time to time and still manages to modernize and [b]preserves[/b] Montana's way of living. [hr] Magic Circuit Switch: The sound of a jackhammer drilling through the earth Number of Magic Circuits: D Quality of Magic Circuits: C [hr] Elemental Affinity: Earth and Ether Origins: Preservation Magecraft: Basic Magecraft 101- The fundamentals they teach at the clocktower. Workshop creation, hypnotism, memory alteration, basic bounded field setup, and all that jazz. Familiars- Clay has a supply of numerous yellow canaries that he uses for scouting and for mining purposes. Alchemy - Being Passionate about minerals and noble metals, Clay has devoted his entire life in studying, researching and painstakingly transmuting crystal or any valuable ore he can find into something that will benefit a portion of humanity or just for the sake of discovering something unique that will revolutionize the scientific community. The prospector happens to be an expert upon the subject and has found ways to even outdo himself when converting and transmuting matter. During his prime at different alchemist institute, Clay is considered to be one of the elites by the academy for his innovations and his many contributions to his department but for reasons unknown, He decided to part ways and chose to be a businessman instead and his name haven't been heard ever since. Jewel Crystallization- The process of binding one's magical energy into jewels as mystic codes. Being an owner of a billion-dollar business franchise, Clay is less frugal when expending his resources. when needed, he fires these crystals on his foes and explodes upon impact. Crest: 260 years, dated from ancient tribes of the land. This crest is located at the back of his shoulder blades, it has been reformed and has been pass on by the natives of this land. Weapon: Mining devices - Clay's tools of the trade in the profession he chooses. It has your standard known devices like pickaxes, jackhammers, some explosives, those hard hats with little flashlights on top of it, gas masks and other machines that are used for excavating the earth. Of course, he can only bring a selected few of these tools if possible. Carrying all of this heavy equipments would be just plain silly. Metal plating cranium- being the head of the mining community in Montana, you always gotta protect your head from the unexpected work-hazard of this high-risk high reward profession you have. Having multiple head injuries from some unfortunate events in the past, Clay has come up with a solution and installed several steel-plating around his skull that protects his head from force trauma and has this metallic sound when you bang it several times. Double barrel shotgun (Boomstick) - an unconventional weapon use for hunting wild animals and fend off intruders in his land. An old man's weapon in scaring those pesky kids away. Diamond skin coating - A defensive automation that is composed of ore and crystals like substance that is attached to his arms all the way to his back that protects him and his crest from physical trauma. Exceptional Benefit: To put it simply, Clay is rich, filthy rich. The Prospector has lots of connections and influence throughout the state of Montana, a supply line of resources and high-grade minerals ranging from coal, metals, crystals and all that jazz that can be excavated from the land. The old man has a buttload of it in his multiple mines and underground tunnels. Clay's resources are pretty spread out through the land of snow and undeveloped parts unknown. From running his mining industry, having every miner, rangers and archaeologist on his payroll to managing the largest real estate franchise here on Montana and one of its very own parks. "The yellow canary park" [/hider]