[@Searat][@blueflame] [center][color=a0410d]Argus[/color][/center] Argus adjusted his own vest one last time before glancing over at Mason and Richard. The djinn wore a look of mild annoyance, walking over to the pair and grabbing the vest from Mason's locker and holding it out towards the demon, [color=a0410d]"Vest isn't optional newbie. It's got the hit tracking gear."[/color] he explained bluntly, heading towards the simulation entrance, [color=a0410d]"Join me as soon as you're ready Richard. Simulation should start automatically about ten seconds after we're all inside."[/color] with that he followed Amaya out the door, flames crawling up the agent's arms and burning away the human shell to reveal his true, reptilian claws. [center][color=0087BD]Rost[/color][/center] [color=0087BD]"Argus is correct, my friends. I'm afraid the vest is the only required piece of kit I had the simulation supply, though in the future I will take account of individual preferences and provide alternative tracking methods for those who prefer not to wear one."[/color] Rost hooked his own paint rifle to a sling point on his vest before closing the locker and following the other agents out the door, [color=0087BD]"Most importantly, let's all try to enjoy ourselves, shall we?"[/color]