[i][color=f26522]'Maybe...if Alvios uses that shining light sphere of his, he could blind Shaidra momentarily even if Yzeira would not be affected, and keep it at a far enough distance so Zios's aura will prevent Yzeira from taking it down. And Jeff could perhaps use the wind while she's blinded, to carry his words to her ear? He's incredibly quick, after all. So it's believable that he could be near her already. It may just cause her to flinch and attack, and give me an opening..'[/color][/i] He said to Blup and his allies. As the red dots formed on the ground, he could only assume what it would be. Spikes or land mines seemed the most likely. He took aim with the palm of his right hand, unleashing a stream of blue electricity forwards at the red dots to try to destabilize and disperse them. He slowed down somewhat as he did, waiting for the result of his technique while maintaining some distance.