Mikhail sat on a large rock that had been embedded in his parents backgarden since he was a young boy. He often wondered about the rock, he had once heard that rocks could move very slowly at times and he wondered whether or not this was one of them. He was reading over the letter for about the fifth time. He couldn't understand why anyone would want him to come on the mission. He wasn't the most social of people so he didn't know how they would have known he could be suited. He didn't care much really, he just wanted to get on the way to the outside world as fast as possible. He got up from the rock with the machete attached to his belt making a small noise as its sheath hit against the rock. He began to make his way towards the place he was supposed to go to. He had never really wandered in that direction before and didn't really know what was up there. Nevertheless he was told to go there and so he would. Soon enough he reached the large wooden doors and pushed them open to reach the receptionist. He explained that he was a part of the group leaving the island and was promptly pointed in the direction of the room. He walked in after seeing someone be grabbed in. This made him hesitate for a minute but he entered soon after to see 3 people. 2 enthusiastic and 1 more hesitant.