[color=brown]"Understood Argus."[/color] Richard then left Mason to equip his own protective vest. It was rather cumbersome but Richard had to admit that the ammo pouches were exceedingly convenient. Placing 6 spare magazines on his vest, he follows the dijin and the water elemental and heads into the simulation room proper. While waiting for the rest of his teammates, he does his best to get more familiar with the paint rifle. Practicing how to replace magazines, reliably un-jam the weapon if there were a situation that demanded it, and got used to its weight in his hands. [hr] The golem seemed intrigued by the device contained within the vests but was soon reminded that the group was getting ready to start the training session. She dons the vest and fills the pouches with spare magazines as she took the paint rifle and retrieved information regarding weapon handling and such. A brief few seconds past and she too arrives the simulation room. It had yet to start, so Astra took advantage of the situation and prepped her system for combat. [quote=System Notification] Passive Systems Switched to Combat Mode... Heads Up Display: [b]ACTIVE[/b] Compass: [b]ACTIVE[/b] Rangefinder: [b]ACTIVE[/b] Aiming reticule: [b]ACTIVE[/b] Defensive runes and spells: [b]ACTIVE[/b] Energy output: [b]100%[/b] [/quote]