Pocket realms are great and all, but lets not forget the world is in an Ancient State, usually a time when God's walk upon the earth and interact with it. A time when stuff is created, and ideas explored upon. The development of a pocket realm, at least in my opinion, should take time. It needs to grow and be added too instead of just, POW, you're done. But that's just me, and I won't knock anybody for how they rp. I think i'm going to have Anu basically be in the material world as of now, and later expand upon a realm apart from the material world, if certain events or circumstances arise. I do agree that they should have a door in the physical world however, it could lead to interesting stories, maybe even some banishment. As for where Anu sits on the 'age' thing; She is pretty much what you could call, one of the last middle born, before we get to the youths.