As the blast door started to close Kaze stepped back into the hangar area. His canister was sealed once more and tucked back onto his belt while his tail slid a rather large gun off his back. It looked quite old but was clearly reinforced and looked a lot like a cannon with a barrel clip on it. [color=red]"You lot shouldn't be splitting up and moving around so much by yourselves. The room isn't secure."[/color] He said while Cassius went about looking at everyone's shields. Aside from sand Kaze had been untouched so he honestly didn't see a need for the scan except on Kathrine. The giant draconic man started to walk around the hangar with his gun held at the ready. Strangely no one could hear his footsteps unlike back in the briefing and on his own ship. Like any predator he had learned early how to walk to make minimal amounts of sounds and he wasn't in a 'safe zone'. [color=red]"I don't really need to say this but every room will be secured before we press on. If you have the means vents will also be sealed along with access hatches. I'd prefer not to be mauled from behind."[/color] He said, it was less ordering since Cassius was the leader but it was also common sense to do this with something as dangerous as the X parasite.