[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjA1ZmZmMi5WM2xoZEhRZ1NtOXVZWFJvWVc0Z1EyRnlkbVZ5LjAA/vtks-lightness-2.regular.png[/img] Location: The Church Tags: Lilith ([@dragonbutts]), Nicole ([@Silence Sounds]), Father Luca ([@Metronome]) [/center] Wyatt couldn’t help but silently agree with Father Luca not being much use at vampire hunting. He thought it was strange that Nicole didn’t want any biscuits, who didn’t appreciate a free meal. Wyatt helped himself to the still warm and flaky biscuits the good Father had been kind enough to provide. He chewed as he listened to the others talk. Nicole seemed to be in a rush to be out of the church, a place that did make some people uncomfortable, and he wondered what the rush was, it was still light out so they likely weren’t going to make much headway on the vampire tracking until night. Whatever, he figured that was her own business, there were some people out there whose entire lives didn’t revolve around hunting after all. He could vaguely remember what that was like to think about something other than killing monsters. He thought back to a time when the highlight of his day wasn’t free bred in a dusty old room. No point in dwelling on the past now though, for now he had to focus on the hunt. He quickly swallowed the remains of biscuit he had in his mouth. [color=cyan]“I guess it’d be helpful if you could tell us anything about the victims and where they were found. Maybe we could establish a pattern, a certain part of town the thing prefers to hunt at or what kind of person it tends to go after, anything you can think of to help us track the thing or even some incidental details that might have struck you as odd.”[/color] Wyatt asked the priest, hoping for a bit more to go on than a vampire in town, the quicker they stopped this thing the better. After he spoke he popped another half a biscuit in his mouth, it had been a while since he’d had hot food. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmJkYmRiZC5VMlZpWVhOMGFXRnVJRXRwYm1OaGFXUSwuMAAAAAAA/stingray.regular.png[/img] Location: Vampire Manor Tags: Seb ([dragonbutts])[/center] Bas was like a frustrated cat, he hated being cooped up inside with nothing to do. He was restless and agitated; he wanted to hunt something, even if it wasn’t human. Unfortunately, unless he was craving rats from the basement, there was nothing to hunt in the manor. Waiting for anything, especially for the night, wasn’t exactly his strong suit, so to the pass the time he had to find something to do. Although Kyle was a cool guy he was somewhat predictable which made Bas lose interest in him fairly quickly, and Marianne was always going on about art and stuff he was barely interested in, and most of the rest of the coven was either out, missing, or refused to put up with his antics. The only option left for entertainment was the new vamp, Seb. Seb was like a shiny new toy, Bas had yet to figure him out completely, he’d yet to figure out how to make him lose his cool so he was not yet predictable. Bas’s new game was to figure out the best ways to both manipulate and aggravate him, and eventually he would solve that puzzle and need a new form of entertainment. For now, though the name of the game was instigation and it seemed that noisily rummaging through the study had barely earned him a look of annoyance; Bas welcomed a more difficult challenge. So far Seb had proven to be about as lively as a god damn statue, and statues were boring. Bas’s challenge to himself was to see if he could get the guy to liven up some before nightfall. [color=silver]“Nothing, huh?”[/color] Bas said in response as he picked up a decanter of scotch, scotch that was old by human standards but still young in comparison to the vampires in the room. Bas pour two glasses of the amber liquid. [color=silver]“Doesn’t look like nothin’, what it looks like is brooding. And fucking Christ on a cracker man that’s like vampire cliche number one.”[/color] He added as he place on of the glasses of scotch by Seb. Bas took a swig of his own glass and for a second he missed the warmth a strong drink used to give him. [color=silver]“You’re old as shit and all so I’m guessing you’ve forgotten how to have fun, or maybe you’ve never knew how to have fun in the first place, I don’t know. What I do know is that sitting in some dusty old room all day is gonna make you wanna go sunbathing. So instead of spending the day gloomin’ about…”[/color] Bas paused dramatically and took a second to finish the scotch in his glass before continuing. [color=silver]“You wanna play Mario Kart?”[/color] Bas asked, picking a game that had causedveven the coolest of heads lose their tempers.