[b]UPDATE 4[/b] Rules 1.Good behavior is a must. Keep personal beef anf fighting strictly to PMs. If it is a simple dissagrement that can be settled OOC, due to relevancy to the RP, then I'm glad to help. Maintaining overall hapiness with the RP and each other is my goal. If you are happy, I am happy. 2. No Godmodding or 'I'm better than you' characters, such as killing a character without permission excluding certain NPCs. You will recieve no more than two warnings on this one. 3. No Racial or gender tension. Your character may dislike a certain race or gender, but to have them act on it alone will be considered a hate crime, and you will be removed from the roleplay, no ifs, ands, or buts. 3. 3 sentence minimum posting. Preferably a paragraph. You won't get booted or really even yelled at for an offense, but you will recieve looks of dissapointment. So don't do it. -.- 4. Please, be relatively consistent. 3 to 4 posts a week will be enough to stay focused on the arc at hand, so o highly reccomend this. If you dont post within the week, I will dm you concerning your absence. Should you not reply or post within a month, we will move on without you, and will write in that your character abadoned the group for their own benefit. Should you return, you can have them re-enter when it is most convenient. Please message us via OOC or me via DM if you will be missing for over 3 days, with the specified ammount of time. 5. This are RP is Semi-Realistic, which means while eventualy your character can get into tech and bodily modifications to allow for near superhuman like capabilities, you wont be able to dodge bullets or bust through walls immediately, unless you have explosives or the like on your person. One infraction equals a warning. Two infractions and you will be bammed for a week. 3 infractions and you will be banned until the rest of the group and I reach a common alllotment of time. Most likely wont go beyond 3-6 weeks. 6. This Rules list is a sort of 'living' document, as Rules can be added, removed, or changed at any time the majority of the group (2/3rds) reach approval. Follow them to the word while they are here, and should you disagree with one, let me know via DM and at the end of that week we shall all discuss its relevancy and position.