Hawke at first had no idea why this young lady was trying to sneak up on him, but soon found out as he'd placed a hand on the keyring as she herself did the same. She looked like a noble, but there was something off, besides her blatant attempts to pickpocket him like a common sneakthief. Usually, nobles are all about using fancy words and deception to get what they want. This one just looked socially awkward, judging by the fact they haven't started trying to explain themselves, or even showing any false charm in the wake of being caught stealing from a man with a really big sword. Actually, on a second look, this entire party was just odd. Another dressed like a noble, but likewise not acting out the charade. Actually looked intimidating for her short size. Then the other one dressed in rags he thought to be another prisoner at first, but they weren't wearing the correct attire. Then the last one surprisingly wasn't female as Hawke had first thought with all the others, and has ears on his head. With this much diversity, either they were all some sort of traveling band of courtesans, or... [color=723437]"...She's saying she wants the keys. We need them to get our own weapons."[/color] Mercenaries. Great. More likely than not, they wouldn't hesitate to turn on him if it meant their own benefit. On the plus side, this means they can most likely handle themselves in a fight. Here's hoping they're not just well-armed courtesans. Hawke unhinges the keys from his belt and lets go, letting the psuedo-noble woman have them. [Color=silver][b]"Go ahead, then. Sending anyone out there without a weapon is a fate worse than death. For your sakes, I hope you know how to use them."[/b][/color]