I'm not overly concerned with Azhriel's age, all I know is that he's younger than Ragnagedon. :P Also, [@Lord Zee] do you think you could update your map to show the [i]Pit of Ahael[/i] on that tiny island to the south of the map, just east of Verzak? So long as you don't already have something in mind for it, of course. I've been thinking that having the entrance to Neberziel so impossibly unreachable all the way underground is a bit obnoxious. Plus, being in somewhat close proximity to Ragnagedon's Realm kinda makes sense for Azhriel. Oh! and you might want to check out [url= https://www.reddit.com/r/wonderdraft]Wonderdraft[/url] when you get the chance. It's still in development, but it looks amazing.