[@Reflection] [center][h3]Black Demon God[/h3][/center] [center][h2]The Beautiful Land[/h2][/center] Five for the servant, one for the master. The wind across his face was cold. Almost unbearably cold. His nerves and mind were woken up, and as he saw the brilliance of his servant, he could only smile. Ah, somehow I managed to guide a burning star like that. The glasses upon him felt natural. He was used to taking on the aspect of another and opening his own body to foreign entities as part of his shamanism. To take upon the mantle of a mobster. He was a horse, then a man, then a Yakuza. He felt a gauge rise, corresponding to his thoughts and movements. What a strange thing. What he would do next was something that most would call absolutely stupid. The shroud ripped from a few quills that flew his way. The spirits within that moved to wrap around their wearer to keep protecting him curled around Tilipojuan. In a sense it looked more like a scarf now, bellowing in the wind as he suddenly rushed towards the Lyaeus. Wrapping and unraveling as he moved at a speed that exceeded even him as a horse as he was bolstered both by spirits he invoked into him, and the glasses that he now wore. 281 Starfist:Centarous Crossing the distance he unleashed a barrage of blows, shining and leaving a trail like a comet as he let loose every strike like his mental image. The absorption and circulation of outer energy to connect the internal and external. Taking in and releasing the gods. The discipline of martial arts. The opening of one’s self to spirits and cycling them. The two disciplines were, in his mind, surprisingly compatible despite being from the two other sides of the world. The strength of beasts, the mind of a man, the pride of a Yakuza. Like a strange sort of Chimera, taking in the offerings of what Fuyuki had, he raised his fist against the Beast. Whether or not the rain of blows was futile. Despite the fact that he was perhaps not endangering his servant. To simply stand there and wait was something he couldn’t do. Even if he was told that it would be the end of the world.