[@Dealdric] [@Blueflame] [@Dark Light] Damn it was really, really stupid coming back inside the tavern. The tear gas was making it fucking impossible to see anything. Her eyes were full of water and she could barely open them. Her lungs were on fire, throat raw from coughing. The dogs continued barking and snarling outside the door, and she knew they'd break in any moment now. Some sort of sawing could be heard not far from her position, but unable to open her eyes, she had no idea what exactly it was, or what was going on. Bound and determined to get the hell out of there, Evelyn groaned and rolled into her stomach, putting her hands underneath her on the floor. Just as she started to push herself into an upright position, something extremely strange happened. She was suddenly enveloped in... something. With a gasp of surprise, Evelyn started to struggle against the... stuff. Until a head popped out of it and spoke to her. It told her not to attack it, that it was trying to heal her. "What the hell," she muttered as she stared wide eyed at the.. stuff. She didn't know what to call it. She did know, that it was female though. While she was inside this blob of.. a woman, Evelyn noticed several things. First, she was able to open her eyes. The tear gas wasn't affecting them near as bad. Her cough lightened as well. And then there was her leg. She glanced down and noticed that it too, was getting better. "What the hell are you," she asked as she watched her leg mend until there was nothing left but a scar. Then the sawing broke her from her thoughts. She jerked her head in the direction of the sound and saw some sort of robotic thing sawing something. Sparks were flying every which way, and all she could really do was sham her head. And this evening had been going so well.