(NEXT DAY) Finally the big day is here. The day of the entrance exam is here and the city is vibing with high frequency. "So many emotions flying around I need them to quiet down." Malkell takes off his glove and lightly touches people that he passes. The air around him changed and you saw people who were happy suddenly become sad. "Much better." He briskly walks down the street humming a cheery tune. As he walks down the street he bumps into a young lady. "Watch where you're going you brat." "I'm so sorry I'm just rushing off to the exams." Says the young girl. "Oh really what's your name than future savior of Japan." I ask mockingly "I'm Yin and your tone seems really rude." "I apologize just woke up in the wrong side of the bed and I'm heading there as well." Her eyes brightened up. "Are you also a hero or trying to be?" "Oh no child never that, that dream died a long time ago." "Oh I'm sorry is your quirk not that strong." Yin asks. "Something like that but I'm just a therapist so therapy is more my forte." Malkell says now leaning in with a hand on her shoulder. "Whatever happens don't let anyone repress your motivation and keep on fighting okay."Malkell says grinning as he sees the change in her eyes occur. "Um yes thank you but I must get going." Yin runs off. "That's one down let's see who else needs therapy."Malkell walks away laughing. He arrives at the arena and starts his way to the registration table to where a large group of students are. "Therapy repress." All of the energy shifted in the air as you felt the high anxiety of starting their dreams seemed to evaporate. "Hmm what's this."Malkell picks up a picture off the ground and sees two boys in it. "Excuse me sir that's mine." A young man taps his shoulder. "Oh my fault just found this here." "No worries thank you for finding it."The boy looks at the picture with a deep sorrow. Malkell taking pity on the boy reaches out to him. "He definitely loved you and hopes you succeed today and if you ever need therapy to help with with your repressed memories here is my card." Malkell slides him a card. "Oh no I've dealt with it enough." "You may lie to yourself but you can't hide your emotions from me."Malkell chuckles and walks away. He enters the arena and looks for a good prime seat for the show that is about to take place. Having repressed the drive and motivation of so many people really wore him out and he started to feel like He was losing his sanity. "Time to put on the gloves." He reaches into his pockets and takes out the gloves he was given yesterday from his plug. They are black with a white circle in the palm. "Today I will see real despair and true pain."He chuckles as he finally finds his seat in the third row